My story is this…
To look at me seven years ago, you would have seen a modern woman who seemed to have it all together: making six figures in a senior leadership position in the corporate world; owning a Pinterest-worthy condo in a coveted neighborhood in Washington, D.C.; a life full of friends, dating, family, yoga, running, travel and more.
A lot of it was good. But a lot of other stuff was going on underneath the surface…
…where I was studiously refusing to acknowledge it. After a traumatic end of a 6-year relationship in my late 20s, I went from being a confident, joyful person to somebody steeped in shame, uncertainty, self-blame, and codependency.
I was nearly 40, and in the decade after this breakup, there was a dark and deepening whirlwind of anxiety, perfectionism, shame, and angst that was sitting in the shadows, and — though I didn’t really know or understand it at the time — running my life.
I was Making Decisions Out of Fear
I was relying on external validation to make me feel good about my choices; consistently beating myself up; feeling completely disconnected from my heart and my body; judging myself and others; and caught on a hamster wheel of people-pleasing, perfectionism, and total lack of understanding my own worth, values, and needs.
I didn’t know how to make decisions confidently or from an authentic place. I was deeply over-identified with my career because I had no idea who I was outside of it. I didn’t feel fully vibrant or alive to the existing joys in my day-to-day. I felt like a passive participant in my own life, riding the current of a turbulent river I had no control of, but that I was too scared to step out of.
And perhaps most importantly, I didn’t feel like enough — or that I deserved better.
Part of me knew well enough to get my butt into talk therapy, for nearly a decade. But while I found it so valuable to explore my past, I often struggled with concrete actions to help me actually change things. Talking about stuff over, and over, and over again sometimes had me feeling in a rut, and I wondered when I might ever actually make real change and live the life I wanted instead of just spinning stories and thoughts around in my head intellectually.
Things started to change when…
All of this changed when, kicking and screaming, I went through a slow but potent spiritual awakening that invited me to understand these truths:
Magic is real
Energy is powerful
Change doesn’t happen when you think about things, it happens when you feel emotions in your body (whyyyyy??)
There is a web of sacred support all around you at all times that can be tapped into
Nature is alive with a consciousness that deeply wants to help and heal you
… And, uh, somebody or something was DEFINITELY talking to me through my Tarot deck
From Skeptic to Healer
From that first moment when I thought, flabbergasted, “Holy shit, Tarot is REAL”, fast forward today where I’m a certified Reiki I/II practitioner, a feng shui consultant, energy worker, space clearer, who weaves microdosing psychedelics into her work with clients and consults moon cycles for her life and work, living in a 300-year-old cabin in the woods that I definitely manifested and oh yeah, also primarily bought because a great blue heron flew over it when I was leaving the open house. (A great blue heron is one of my spirit guides, in case ya didn’t know. We’ll get more to spirit guides when you work with me.)
I’m just as surprised as you are.
I never planned for this…
I also never believed in magic. The closest I got was reading my horoscope in the back of the newspaper for fun. I’ve always been a very practical person, raised in a non-religious family, where the only altar we worshiped at was the one where we got straight As and prestigious, financially-secure jobs. In short, “You’re born, you work, you die.”
So as my spiritual awakening unfolded slowly in my late 30s, I was shocked as I found myself…
Experiencing the power of energy work and eventually getting trained as a Reiki practitioner
Going from somebody who causally read Tarot once in a while for fun to somebody who studied it deeply, gained fluency in the cards, and uses her deck to connect with messages of wisdom from the universe
Realizing and affirming I was a neurodivergent, highly sensitive person and empath
Quitting my very financially stable, secure, and totally fine corporate career to make the leap into the entrepreneurial world of online life coaching at age 40
Understanding the power of working with your home through the ancient tenets of feng shui and getting certified as a feng shui consultant
Using psychedelics, herbs, and flower essences to further connect with nature and accelerate my growth and healing (and this from a girl who has NEVER touched drugs in her life and frankly feared and judged them)
At the same time, as all of this was unfolding and I was becoming more and more spiritual, I never resonated with the information I was finding online about how to create rituals, connect with nature or do magic. “Am I seriously going to have to find powered frog blood, a cauldron and time a spell until a specific full moon to make this work, when all I want to do is browse Madewell.com, order some Thai food and be in bed by 9pm?” is the type of thought I would often have.
Finding My Path
I knew I wasn’t alone in wanting to continue my spiritual growth and magic practice, but not resonating with complicated spell steps, fancy black velvet witchy clothes, or really any practices that made me feel fearful (and a lot of them did when I was starting out).
I also could never resonate with manifestation practices that were all about accumulating wealth and material goods (WHAT is the obsession with Chanel purses?!) instead of focusing on healing earth, nature, and unshackling myself, others and society from oppressive systems like patriarchy, white supremacy and capitalism.
So I continued to deepen my spiritual and magical practices but also made them simple, practical, modern, and empowering, as well as deeply connected to liberation — both personal and collective.
Now, I empower sensitive souls with spirituality
Today, I am passionate about empowering sensitive souls (empaths, Highly Sensitive People, folks with ADHD and/or autism, and neurodivergents) with accessible, practical magical tools, modern rituals, and tangible nature-based spiritual practices to help with their personal growth and healing, and to help the world at large as well.
I live and work in so-called Loudoun County, in Virginia. The land that became Loudoun was uncharted wilderness inhabited by Sioux (Manahoac), Algonquin, Iroquois and Piscataway Indians. I honor these tribes and people, past and present, who have and continue to tend this land long before it was colonized. I am committed to listening to, uplifting, and protecting BIPOC and LGBTQIA2S+ communities.
my TeachiNgs Include:
Studied Tarot under a variety of programs from Lindsay Mack, 2017-present
Reiki I/II from Christina Wooten, 2018
Integral Coaching Certification from New Ventures West, 2019
Breathwork with Chauna Bryant, 2021
Energy mentorship with Missy Toy Ozeas, 2023
House Therapy Feng Shui Certification with Amanda Gibby Peters, 2023
Seed to Soup Herbalism Apprenticeship program with Colleen O'Bryant,
completion in November 2024
A bit more about me
My undergraduate degree is with honors in English Literature from the University of Virginia (wahoowah!), where I was an Echols Scholar, and I have a Master of Science in Journalism from Northwestern University, where I was a recipient of the first-ever McCormick Scholarship and was named student of the year.
I’m an aunt to five beautiful souls; a resident of western Virginia, where I live in a 300-year-old log cabin that I call the Nature Witch Cottage with my partner AJ, who’s a writer; a voracious reader of everything from personal development books to romance novels (my library holds list and Kindle purchasing history are probably breaking algorithms as we speak); a podcast host; a regular walker and hiker; and a compassionate, highly-sensitive and intuitive person who is both bold and vulnerable.
I’m a writer at heart. I bring this talent to my coaching through helping you reclaim your own magic, your own narratives and learn how to tell your own stories of your life. Because — in case you didn’t know — that’s absolutely something you can do.
Here’s the Woo-woo Low-down, too:
Capricorn Sun, Leo Rising, Scorpio Moon
Virgo stellium with a Virgo north node in the 2nd house
1/3 Generator with emotional authority in Human Design
Enneagram 3 wing 2
Life Path number 3
…and I’m always open to hearing about new spiritual modalities, so let me know what your favorite is!