An Introduction to Intentional Living

A 12-week e-course and program to learn about authentic self-discovery, your core values, how to gently and intentionally create the life you desire, and overcome fear-based and perfectionism thinking in the process of doing so. Self-paced, and get access to all lessons immediately here.


Are you tired of feeling like a passive participant in your own story — but aren’t sure how or where to start building an authentic life that you love?

Want to conquer self-doubt and start taking action on your dreams, but need guidance and encouragement?

Looking for support and useful strategies to better understand yourself, and gain confidence that the life you dream of is one you can create?

Then my course, An Introduction to Intentional Living, is for you.

$497, enroll here for immediate access

I’m Catherine, a writer and life coach whose expertise is in helping people discover who they really are, what they really want, and then take the actionable, practical steps to start making it all happen. I’m an expert in intentional living, and I want to help you mindfully and authentically take actions to build a life that reflects all of your potential and capabilities.

This is for the person who feels as if they don't yet truly know themselves but is ready to go on a self-discovery adventure. If you've struggled with perfectionism, people-pleasing, codependency, self-doubt, and wondering what you even want out of life and what goals to go after, this course will be a game-changer for you. Through my process, you'll be guided into deeper self-knowing, get in touch with your intuition, learn tactics for overcoming perfectionism, and learn to trust yourself and your desires.

Who is this course for?

This is for the person who feels as if they don't yet truly know themselves but is ready to go on a self-discovery adventure. If you've struggled with perfectionism, people-pleasing, codependency, self-doubt, and wondering what you even want out of life and what goals to go after, this course will be a game-changer for you.

Through my process, you'll be guided into deeper self-knowing, get in touch with your intuition, learn tactics for overcoming perfectionism, and learn to trust yourself and your desires.

The people who will get the most out of this course are those who are looking to...

  • Stop making decisions out of fear

  • Overcome a sense of stuckness

  • Move past feeling frozen by perfectionism from taking action

  • Increase their self-trust

  • Rediscover their intuition

  • Learn tactics for overcoming self-doubt

  • Discover their authentic values and inner guideposts

  • Grow in gentle community with compassionate support and coaching

Testimonials for Catherine’s courses:

"This was the real deal. I had no idea how deep and introspective this course would be, but was so pleasantly surprised. It takes on universal issues that get to the core of what holds us back from the things that matter most. I truly believe it has the ability to be life-changing." - A.

"Catherine's course is incredibly comprehensive, thoughtful, and well worth my time, money and energy…The group coaching also made this experience for me. I would recommend this for anyone with the willingness to change and be happy. This course has definitely changed the trajectory of my life." - E.

“This course was both calming and invigorating. Calming in that it helped me step away from my frantic daily to-do lists and think about what really matters to me. And invigorating in that it made me genuinely excited about what comes next in my life. The best part about the course is that the insights from it have continued to inform every aspect of my life -- from how I measure success to how I spend my days -- long after the course ended.” - M.

"Catherine’s course is well worth the time and financial investments. I finally learned the tools to organize my thoughts and identify my values to create actionable goals—for now as well as the future. I don’t typically enjoy group calls and chat rooms, but the course community was super valuable in terms of sharing experiences and gaining insights. I already miss my cohort!" - C.

"Catherine's coaching is both kind but firm, imaginative but realistic — she has a way of making you see something from a viewpoint that was absolutely staring you straight in the face but you were too afraid to acknowledge it; she has a way of inspiring courage in people." - S.


  • How long do I have access to the course? The materials and call replays are yours forever.

  • How much time should I expect to dedicate to this course? The video replays take 60-90 minutes once a week. Outside of that, you can expect to dedicate 2-3 hours a week on assignments, journal prompts, and more, for 12 weeks. Most assignments are a sit-down-and-do-in-an-afternoon-or-evening kinda assignment, but a couple of weeks (clearing space and tracking) involve smaller daily tasks throughout the week.

  • What if I enroll but decide it’s not for me part of the way through? I encourage you to contact me with your concerns. There will be no refunds for this course, however.

  • I have a question that I don’t see answered here. Please feel free to email me at

In the course you'll receive:

  • Guided meditations to drop deep into inner knowing and get you in touch with your intuition

  • Customized workbooks and thoughtful journal prompts that will help you set your vision

  • Quizzes to discover your core values and goals

  • Education on mindset and nervous system work that impacts your ability to go after goals

  • Instructions on how to create vision statements and boards

  • Step-by-step guidance on how to turn vision into actionable goals

  • 12 recorded coaching calls with Catherine and past students

  • Accountability groups with instructions on how to continue your accountability work after the program ends

  • A private non-Facebook community to share your questions and goals (on Slack)

By taking the course you'll:

  • Understand yourself and your needs clearly

  • Have a clear, defined set of values

  • Learn tools for shifting out of fear-based thinking and perfectionism around your dreams and your ability to go after them

  • Create a vision statement and board that will inspire you going forward

  • Gain the confidence to make intentional decisions that align with who you are your core

  • Create 3-5 values-aligned goals with guidance of how to turn them into actionable steps

  • Feel like you're on a path in creating your life, not just letting life happen to you

  • Feel part of a loving, supportive community who wants you to achieve your dreams (and you get to help and support others, too!)

The modules:

Each week, you’ll get between lessons in your inbox with different assignments, reflections or practices to do on the following themes:

Week 1: Teaching the foundations of intentional living  + goal-setting: Thought work, embodiment & nervous system work

Week 2: Envisioning your perfect day and accessing core feelings 

Week 3: Clearing space to let intuition come in

Week 4: Tracking time, money, and attention

Weeks 5-6: Discovering core values 

Week 7: Relearning how to dream big

Week 8: Developing your unique goals and taking aligned action

Week 9: Creating your vision statement and vision board

Week 10: The 90-day goals plan, and reflection

Week 11: Goal coaching & embodying one first choice goal

Week 12: Reflections, and how to do accountability groups going forward

Who is your teacher?

My name is Catherine Andrews, and I’m a life coach, writer, podcast host, messy human with messy emotions, and teacher on self-discovery, intuition, and authentic living. I’ve been coaching folks for three years now, teaching them tactics to overcome fear and perfectionism-based thinking and embark on gentle self-discovery to create and live the authentic, thoughtful life of their dreams.

How it works:

The course has lessons to go through once a week for 12 weeks. For these weeks, Catherine will walk you, via the modules, step-by-step, using guided meditations, journal prompts, quizzes, self-reflection, and assignments, to help you get in touch with your values, your desires, and to create the self-trust you need to live authentically. By the end of the course you’ll have discovered your 5 true values; created 3-5 values-based, authentic goals along with an intentional vision board and vision statement; have an actionable plan on how to move forward with your goals; and most importantly, finally really know what you want out of life and how you’re going to get it.

The lessons and materials will be hosted on my e-learning platform which you’ll have lifetime access to. So you can do the course live as it’s sent out, dip in and out, or work through it later on your own as you see fit.

What do I need?
All you need is a journal (I recommend buying a special one!), a writing tool, headphones for the meditations, and a wifi-enabled device to receive the lessons.

When do we start and what does it cost?
The course is self-paced so you can start immediately and go at whatever pace works for you. It costs $497 and you can enroll here.

Enroll now here for $497!

Even more testimonials!

“I finally felt secure and focused enough to actually go after buying our first house, and the course was a big part in figuring out what was important to me in the location of it — we ended up in a city I never would have expected, but I love it here. It also helped to clarify what kind of education I wanted to invest in next, and I am beginning my own coach training this fall, just one year later. And I finally got my butt in gear to learn how to quilt, which I have always wanted to try! The Intentional Living course expand my perception of my own abilities, and gave me a gentle way to engage with different strengths I already possess. I was so surprised to learn how much more community-oriented I am than I initially thought, but it has been helpful knowledge, especially living through these times when we have to be more mindful about capacity and how and who with we choose to spend our time.” - A.

“It was a wonderfully supportive community to explore these big topics with. I really appreciated the step by step approach that provided slow guidance into the big, heady topics of what it means to live intentionally. Each week was a stepping stone that brought me closer to the core, the center that I was seeking.” -E.

“I really enjoyed the coursework and the group discussion. I felt very connected with Catherine and the group of women in the course, and it was very helpful to know other people are struggling with the same things that I am.” - J.

“I joined the course because I was in the middle of a life transition. I needed guidance and direction. I loved the class and have repeated some of the exercises we did to stay aligned. The 3-5 year vision of myself that I made has already started to happen in just 1.5 years. I’ve made several big life changes since taking the course: moved across the country, took a different job, started a new loving relationship. I feel in alignment with my core values everyday. A message for someone considering the course : there is no one course that will change your life. That comes from within. But this course will give you tools and directions to navigate your ship! To me that was very valuable.” - B.



There are no refunds offered for this course.