Secretly Ambitious

A 12-week course and coaching program for early stage creative or service-based entrepreneurs or wanna-be entrepreneurs who are ready to step into the identity of somebody ready to confidently start, market and run their business.

Enroll now and start building the business of your dreams right away!

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Are you a creative, entrepreneurial person who's interested in starting a business or even a side hustle but can't seem to get past fear, the "ick" factor of marketing and self-promotion, pricing struggles and more?

It’s not your fault. The "normal" ways of entrepreneurship (hustling, marketing, doing all the things) don't work for sensitive folks—and they don't have to. We can do things in a way that feels safe, steady and secure to us, and still get to make the impact we want on the world for the value we provide.

If you’re ready to step into the role and identity of being an entrepreneur whose work provides massive value, improves the world, helps tons of other people, all the while running a business in a way that feels comfortable to you and aligns with your authenticity, Secretly Ambitious is the course for you.


This is not your normal business or entrepreneurship course—and you don’t want it to be.

This is the course that will give you unshakeable mindset, incredible self-trust, tools to step into a new identity of the entrepreneur, as well as practical tools to help you:

1. Understand who you want to serve and your ideal client’s needs.

2. How to market in a way that feels right and authentic to you.

3. The mindset and nervous system regulation tools that support you in the ups and downs of doing stuff like selling or becoming more visible.

4. Your money needs.

5. Your first offer to clients.

This is the course that will teach you the mindset, nervous system regulation, emotional healing, and identity work that made me $50k in my first year of life coaching, $250k in my second year, and to be on track to make $300k this third year.


Sign up for Secretly Ambitious right now and begin right away! The course costs $497.

Just 3 years ago, I was where you are.

After nearly 20 years in a corporate 9-5, with no models for entrepreneurship in my life or family, when I felt the calling to start my own business I, uh… freaked out and avoided doing it for 3 years. I struggled with identity, employee mindset, and nervous system regulation. I knew at a soul level I wanted so badly to be an entrepreneur and life coach for years but stayed stuck for those years out of fear: fear of not knowing how. Fear of spending money. Fear of ASKING for money. Fear of, what if I was an idiot thinking I could actually help people? Fear of what people would think of me. Fear of failing.

Turns out I needn’t have worried because I pretty quickly figured out that the things I expected would help me most in business were not the things I was taught I needed to focus on at all. This is the part of my other courses where I say “Oh, I struggled for years, with so many ups and downs and so much shame…” Not as much in biz. Once I tapped into my entrepreneur identity, mindset and nervous system work, I was off to the races. I made 50k in my first year selling 1:1 coaching and courses, quintupled that to $250k in my second year, and continue to scale up. 

What helped? Identity. I needed to move from the mindset and identity of a 20-year 9-5 corporate employee to the CEO of her own business who was making the decisions and calling the shots. I definitely needed to dump getting stuck in “research mode” and my deep, fear-based perfectionism mindset.  I needed to learn to regulate myself through the fear I had around marketing, making myself more visible, and pricing my offers to I would actually make revenue. I needed to tap into the spirit of my business. That’s right, I believe your business is a creative entity that has chosen you to express it in this world. It’s time to start that convo.

I also needed inner child work (a cornerstone of all of my coaching), to understand and be able to articulate the value I could provide to my ideal client. I needed to get my relationship with money right.

I really could have used a community, which I didn't have, but which this course provides. 

I didn’t need: to have a perfect website or Instagram bio. An idea of how to run biz cash flow. A billion dollars saved. A 100-page professional-looking marketing plan. Hundreds or thousands of people who followed me on my platforms. Or, really, any idea what the f*ck I was doing. I just needed to TRY.

And once I figured out, I knew that part of my path would eventually be helping others figuring out this service-based online business thing. It is totally doable. And I want to teach you how.

And you want me to be the person who teaches you. That’s because I’m the Capricorn biz bitch business coach who’s also a Highly Sensitive Person and can navigate YOU through the particulars of starting your own business. 

And we can do it in a way that truly deeply helps other people, changes the world, makes impact, makes you lots of money, and DOESN’T burn you out.

Let’s go. Enroll here.


This course is for the empathetic, values-aligned person who has an idea and a desire to become an entrepreneur and run a business or work for themselves full-time, but hasn’t yet made the leap yet.

If you’re desiring to be a coach, a creative entrepreneur (copywriting, web design, etc), a consultant, or any other service-based entrepreneur, and you have a big heart and big dreams, but a lot of fear, scarcity mindset or perfectionism, Secretly Ambitious will be the launching pad you need.

This course is also for early stage entrepreneurs who have either been running their business on the side while working a full time job, or who have just gone full time but are struggling to make an impact and money. 


Secretly Ambitious is a truly incredible course I truly couldn’t recommend more highly!
— Dani, recovery coach

What my students say about my courses:

"Catherine's coaching is both kind but firm, imaginative but realistic — she has a way of making you see something from a viewpoint that was absolutely staring you straight in the face but you were too afraid to acknowledge it; she has a way of inspiring courage in people." - S.

"Catherine’s course is well worth the time and financial investments. I finally learned the tools to organize my thoughts and identify my values to create actionable goals—for now as well as the future. I don’t typically enjoy group calls and chat rooms, but the course community was super valuable in terms of sharing experiences and gaining insights. I already miss my cohort!" - C.

“It was a wonderfully supportive community to explore these big topics with. I really appreciated the step by step approach that provided slow guidance into the big, heady topics of what it means to live intentionally. Each week was a stepping stone that brought me closer to the core, the center that I was seeking.” -E.

“I really enjoyed the coursework and the group discussion. I felt very connected with Catherine and the group of women in the course, and it was very helpful to know other people are struggling with the same things that I am.” - J.

"At first I was like, this is a lot of money to spend on something that I was like I might not actually do or keep up with, but I am so so glad I made the investment in myself and I will not shut up about it."- K.

“Thank you, Catherine, as always for being our brave & beautiful guide, I am so grateful! I can imagine us all as little humans on a little hike together and you leading the way and pointing out things on the trail and teaching us about them. We're all safe and feel loved and accepted on our little nature walk with you!” - R.

You coached me through so many parts of running a business and I couldn’t have gotten to where I am today without this course last year. ❤️
— Meg, branding + design services for wellness leaders


  • I don’t know what I want my business to be yet, will I still benefit? Yes!! The lessons will walk you through refining your package and ideal client and help you narrow down your best idea.

  • I haven’t officially started a business, can I still take this course? Definitely. As long as you have a calling to entrepreneurship, you’ll benefit and learn from this course.

  • I’ve been doing my business for a while (either full time or part time) but I’m feeling stuck and not scaling. Will I benefit? I definitely think so. This course will teach you the nervous system, mindset and other tools that I used to scale my business to a quarter million.

  • How long do I have access to the course? The materials and call replays are yours forever.

  • How much time should I expect to dedicate to this course? There are 10 recorded calls that will take 60-90 minutes once a week (2 weeks are off for integration). Outside of that, you can expect to dedicate 2-3 hours a week on assignments, journal prompts, and more, for 12 weeks. Most assignments are a sit-down-and-do-in-an-afternoon-or-evening kinda assignment, but a couple of weeks involve smaller daily tasks throughout the week.

  • What if I enroll but decide it’s not for me part of the way through? I encourage you to contact me with your concerns. There will be no refunds for this course, however.

  • I have a question that I don’t see answered here. Please feel free to email me at

  • I’m ready! How do I sign up? Right here! Let’s go.

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In the course you'll receive:

  • 12 weeks of custom created modules, homework, reflections, quizzes and exercises centered on helping you learning the steps you need to start your own business

  • Guided meditations and hypnosis and ritual practices for your business

  • Lessons on how to figure out your ideal client, your best marketing platform for YOU (it can be anything you want!), how to create your first package, your website copy, and business money goals

  • Lessons on nervous system and mindset work, as well as helping soothe your inner child in business so she can thrive and shine and help others

  • Step-by-step guidance on how to turn vision into actionable goals

The modules:

Each week, you’ll get between lessons in your inbox with different assignments, reflections or practices to do on the following themes (subject to change):

  • The biggest mistake entrepreneurs think is that success is just a fluke, not something that they’ve created out of thin air with their actions and thoughts. I teach you the mindset tools and identity work that took me out of permission-needing 9-5 employee into CEO and creator of my own business destiny.

  • Issues arise for the highly sensitive person who has an extra-sensitive nervous system, and often has no awareness of their states, how to move between them, and how to regulate We're often in... -freeze: unable to make progress on our business, fueled by shame…flight: freaking out and doing all the things to self-soothe but not taking real action…sometimes, fight: fighting in our heads or lashing out at our partners or clients or self. In this lesson I teach you the nervous system tools and awareness to ground yourself in the oft-triggering world of entrepreneurship.

  • I’ve found that for empathetic, sensitive women entrepreneurs, our ideal clients are often some past versions of ourselves who we are desperate to help out, to smooth their path, so they do not have to experience the pain or struggles that we did when we were that past version of ourselves. Identifying this can help us more clearly understand our services, offers, how to connect with them, and more. In this lesson I have you walk through several specific exercises/ brainstorming sessions to get crystal clear on your ideal client and how you can serve them.

  • In this week we're going to uncover any blocks around our relationship to money. Entrepreneurship involves making money and charging prices for your work and creating value. Otherwise it would be called charity. However many of us have icky relationships with or interpretations of money. Imagine a chef who thought food was disgusting, or that they were above food... you probably wouldn't want to be eating what they were making from that place of avoidance or disdain. So in order to clean up our businesses we've got to get right with our relationship with money, which we do in this lesson.

  • As evolving entrepreneurs, you are stepping out of one archetype and into another. Identifying these two stages can help you create the bridge to your next identity shift, the one that will allow you to fully embody your world-changing, compassionate, soul-mission business and purpose. We also discover and connect with the spirit of your business.

  • In this lesson, I walk you through a couple of simple exercises to help you begin to develop a clarity around your value that you provide in your services; your why; your story; and your voice. This provides that simple but mystical “I help ____” statement that we all crave.

  • When we get triggered by others or situations, or withdraw or shut down, it is often the wounded inner child who is driving this reaction. Oftentimes, as adults, we recognize these wounds are happening but we come at trying to overcome them from a place of working really hard and proving ourselves, or from an intellectual or logical place. This is why it is so important for us as early-stage entrepreneurs to begin a dialogue with our inner children and begin healing our relationship with them. Otherwise, in an attempt to overcome the wounds of inner child, we will often burn ourselves out or sabotage ourselves in business trying to heal these wounds in unsatisfying ways. In this week’s lesson we help heal and soothe the inner child and show her that it is safe to run a business.

  • Much of the time when building a business, we get caught up in the flashier stuff: web design, social media, marketing plans. But the core of any business is having clarity about your services and your offer, and talking about those services and offers consistently on your platforms. Offers can range from 1:1 coaching and consulting (one offs, or packages, like 3 months of 1:1 services) to group programs to bundles of services done either on retainer or based on a service or time amount. So how do you decide what to offer? That’s what we cover in this lesson.

  • Over the last 2.5 years of running my business as a sensitive woman, I’ve realized some truths that go against the grain of traditional business marketing. A lot of strategies for engagement, marketing, self-promotion don’t apply either to us as sensitive entrepreneurs, or, sometimes more importantly, to our clients. So why not market how we would want to be marketed to? That’s what we figure out in this lesson: both our 5 “marketing values” and the platforms on which we should begin marketing (doesn’t have to be Instagram!).

  • In this lesson, we incorporate a bit of magic (which I use constantly in my business and consider to be an accelerator to my success). I walk you through home energy, how to set up your working space or office to best take advantage of good energy for your business, and how to dress as your business archetype in order to step more fully into the identity.

  • This week there’s no lesson, but we use the space and call to do nuts and bolts biz Q&A and coaching and get support from Catherine and the community as we prepare to launch our businesses into the world.

  • You will have done so much in the past nearly 3 months! Shifts have happened — and trust me, other shifts are in the process of happening, even if you are not conscious of them. Now, it’s time to reflect intentionally on what has taken place for you over the last three months, and also to cast the vision going forward and most importantly, to celebrate yourself and your biz! I’ll provide lessons and a workbook for all of this.

By taking the course you'll:

  • Formalize your first offer

  • Identify your ideal client and understand their needs

  • Get serious coaching on nervous system and mindset work, two of the most important things you need in biz as a Highly Sensitive Person

  • Overcome people-pleasing and fear in business

  • Have your “I help” tagline and statement for your platforms

  • Discover your business archetype (so good for identity stuff!) and connect with the spirit of your business

  • Know which platform or platforms you will market on, and have several content ideas of what to write or talk about

  • Know how much money you will be aiming to make in your first year of your business

  • Have written copy for your website and your About Me

How it works:

The course has lessons to go through once a week for 12 weeks. For these weeks, Catherine will walk you, via the modules and recorded videos and workbooks, step-by-step, using teaching, guided meditations, journal prompts, quizzes, self-reflection, and assignments, to help you get in touch with your ideal client, how you can really help people, how to market and describe your offer, and what your biz identity needs to be. By the end of the course you’ll have the building blocks to go out into the world and claim your identity and your work as a service-based or creative entrepreneur.

The lessons and materials will be hosted on my e-learning platform which you’ll have lifetime access to. So you can do the course live as it’s sent out, dip in and out, or work through it later on your own as you see fit.

What do I need?
All you need is a journal (I recommend buying a special one!), a writing tool, headphones for the meditations, and a wifi-enabled device to receive the lessons.

When do we start and what does it cost?
Right away! It’s self-paced and all lesson are accessible when you enroll, so you can go at your own pace. Sign up here for $497.

Who is your teacher?

My name is Catherine Andrews, and I’m a life coach, writer, podcast host, messy human with messy emotions, and teacher on self-discovery, intuition, and authentic living. I’ve been coaching folks for three years now, teaching them tactics to overcome fear and perfectionism-based thinking and embark on gentle self-discovery to create and live the authentic, thoughtful life of their dreams.